Hey, there! Sarah here!
The other day, we were giving my nephew some heat for spending so much time on his phone, specifically the app Tick Tock.
He insisted he doesn’t spend that much time on it.
Then, he volunteered to prove it.
He went on to check his screen time report and happily reported to us that he had only spent 14 hours on Tick Tock this week…
Wait… what!?!?
Yes, you read that right. 14 hours … this week
… on ONE APP!
I don’t think he even realized that was a lot, until we gawked at the number.
Now, I don’t want to start a debate here or make anyone feel bad or down or stressed.
We adults are BUSY, and technology makes it SO easy for kids to keep themselves entertained.
And it can be educational, fun, and keep them “in the loop” with their peers.
But sometimes, we adults just don’t get it!
That’s why I’m emailing you today.
I discovered this website and I just had to share it with you.
I thought you might find it useful.
It has the “Parents’ Ultimate Guides” to tons of useful things you probably aren’t super familiar with, but your kids are, such as TikTok, Fortnite, Minecraft, Snapchat… and more!
It even has the ultimate guide to “Steam”, which I had never even heard of before!
Uh oh, does that mean I’m getting old?! I’ll have to look into that one!
Get The Parents Ultimate Guides Here
Also, did you know you can check screen time and how much time is being spent on each app?
Learn How To Check Screen Time Here
Did you know you can also limit and restrict usage?
Learn How To Limit And Restrict Usage Here
I even limit usage for myself on some apps, so don’t feel bad if you want to do that for your kids 😛
Hopefully you find the above tips and websites helpful! I thought they were awesome.
Best of luck to you! Enjoy the rest of your 2020!
Happy to be on your team,